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News Release

March 21, 2024

Faculty Senate celebrates 50 years, presents Meritorious Awards

On Jan. 1974年30日,32名教职员工代表全国网赌正规平台第一次 Faculty Senate 第一次聚集在奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼244室,选举官员. On Wednesday, 数十名现任和前任教师聚集在一起庆祝第一次会议50周年,他们代表了数十年来对大学的服务和奉献.

“It is truly an honor to participate in Faculty Senate,” said Dr. Rhonda Beemer, 她是学院参议院2023-24届的主席,也是健康和体育的副教授, during remarks at the anniversary event in the J.W. Jones Student Union’s Tower View Dining Room. “It’s a wonderful way to serve your units and this university, while also making connections with colleagues.”

尽管自1929年成立教师委员会以来,该机构的教师一直在倡导他们的利益和关注, 1973年12月,校董会批准了新的学院章程, 废除了教务委员会,取而代之的是新的教务委员会,让教务人员在大学决策中有更大的发言权. 教务委员会成员由各学术部门选举产生 艺术助理教授罗伯特·森克尔(Robert Sunkel)当选为第一任主席.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the Faculty Senate advocated for higher wages, increased representation on administrative committees, and improvements to campus infrastructure and services. In the spring of 1976, 该组织成功地促使董事会撤销了将哲学从全国网赌正规平台的大修-小修课程中删除的决定, 认为管理人员和董事在决策过程中绕过了教职员参议院.

Conversely, in 1994, 学院参议院投票通过了一项大学计划,将全国网赌正规平台的学术结构从四个学院整合到三个学院. 这种重组使大学更加重视通识教育的研究,并使教师更多地投入到课程中.

出席该组织50周年庆典的历届教务委员会主席包括, left to right in the front, Dr. John Gallaher, Dr. Kristi Alexander, Dr. Chi Lo Lim and Dr. Jenny Rytting. Pictured left to right in the back row are Dr. Joel Benson, Dr. Brian Haile, current president Dr. Rhonda Beemer, Dr. Terry Long, Dr. Michael Hobbs, Dr. Michael Wilson, Dr. Greg Haddock, Dr. Sue Myllykangas, Dr. Theo Ross and Dr. Peter Adam. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

出席该组织50周年庆典的历届教务委员会主席包括, left to right in the front, Dr. John Gallaher, Dr. Kristi Alexander, Dr. Chi Lo Lim and Dr. Jenny Rytting. Pictured left to right in the back row are Dr. Joel Benson, Dr. Brian Haile, current president Dr. Rhonda Beemer, Dr. Terry Long, Dr. Michael Hobbs, Dr. Michael Wilson, Dr. Greg Haddock, Dr. Sue Myllykangas, Dr. Theo Ross and Dr. Peter Adam. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Today, the Faculty Senate maintains its mission to develop, formulate and recommend policies to the University’s provost, president and Board of Regents. 它还提供了一个论坛,讨论教师关心的问题.

Beemer说:“全国网赌正规平台努力确保所有教师及其单位的公平、平等代表。. “全国网赌正规平台目前希望教务委员会能招募更多的人积极参与这些不同的委员会. We as faculty collaborate with many people on and off campus, and through everyone’s hard work, 全国网赌正规平台为每个人创造一种幸福和终身学习的文化.”

周三,教职员参议院还向全国网赌正规平台的三名工作人员颁发了功勋奖,他们为促进包容性做出了非凡的努力, caring, innovative, passionate, student-centered focus at the University. 该奖项的提名者可以由任何教职员工提交给教职参议院,然后由该组织的执行委员会选出获奖者.

学院参议院授予Mike Grudzinski功勋奖, video and web conference specialist in the Learning and Teaching Center; Dr. Clarence Green, vice president of culture; and Dr. Greg Haddock,研究生院和职业学院的副教务长.

教职员评议会颁授功勋奖(左至右):Mike Grudzinski博士. Greg Haddock and Dr. Clarence Green.

教职员评议会颁授功勋奖(左至右):Mike Grudzinski博士. Greg Haddock and Dr. Clarence Green.


“他一直在寻找并实施新的方法和技术,以增强教师和学生的在线学习体验,” Beemer said. “他对卓越的奉献和对全国网赌正规平台大学使命的坚定承诺使他成为全国网赌正规平台学校的宝贵财富。. 他的贡献不仅符合全国网赌正规平台的战略目标,而且体现了全国网赌正规平台全国网赌正规平台努力维护的卓越服务精神.”

Green, who is retiring from the University this spring, was honored for his exemplary leadership, 包括担任警察局长,指导战略规划和危机管理举措.

“他在全国网赌正规平台的时间对学生和员工都很有价值,”Beemer说. “Specifically, the nominator wrote, ‘You are truly a genuine Bearcat, 西北和玛丽维尔社区将怀念你们的贡献. 对校园里的许多人来说,你是一个感人又鼓舞人心的人物, 我相信,无论你走到哪里,你都将以某种形式继续服务.’”

阿道克一直致力于支持和维护严谨的学术研究生课程,使全国网赌正规平台及其学生受益. In addition to his support for academic programs, 阿道克倡导大学的多样性和包容性.

“他在确保全国网赌正规平台项目的学术卓越和诚信方面发挥了至关重要的作用,” Beemer said. “他授权教师在教学和研究工作中脱颖而出,同时确保全国网赌正规平台的课程符合学术严谨性的最高标准. 他支持并鼓励开发和实施创新的交付方式,如在线和混合课程,为研究生提供灵活的学习机会, enhancing accessibility of our program, 同时也确保全国网赌正规平台的大学保持在学术创新的前沿.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215